Today is the day I decided to become a blogger, or so I thought. I thought today, inspired by a few quite awesome blogger friends, I am going to start recording our everyday memories and sharing them with our friends and family. I went to blogspot (as recommended by a friend) and found I was already logged in! What?
Two years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease. My mom suggested at the time to start blogging and recording my experiences as I learned how to manage my disease. Apparently I actually listened to my mother and started a blog. I have three blog entries total and none of them have ever been shared. Ah ha--I remember! I wrote those early blog entries as a therapeutic means for coming to grips with something that seemed insurmountable at the time. I never again, in the two years since, blogged...until today.
So, this blog is my attempt at bridging the past and present with an assumed future. I decided to keep the previous "handle" as Sarah Celiac even though that implies this is a gluten free blog, which it isn't. I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and just some of the things my future blogs might be about.
I am a mother to a stubborn and loveable 15 month old boy named Cameron, a wife to an aspiring Olympic athlete, a full time instructor in Communication Studies and Public Relations, and currently a student of American Sign Language. And now, today, I add 'blogger' to the resume--again :)
Congrats Sarah! You are a natural at writing and I can't wait to read your stories. The second hardest part to hitting the publish button is then sharing the link with your family and friends. For the longest time, I was a *closet blogger* and finally realized, there is no shame or embarrassment in blogging! Well, at least most of the time. ;)